Introduction to the Confirmation Cohort

Feb 1, 2025

This video is the introduction to our comprehensive series on Confirmation, designed specifically for adults coming into the Anglican Church from Protestant backgrounds. In this series, we explore the unique theological elements of Confirmation that can be challenging for many Evangelicals, such as the roles of the Church, apostolic succession, and sacramental grace.

Dcn. Kyle Hughes and Fr. Tony Melton developed this cohort series to address common questions and objections, using Scripture and the teachings of the early Church. We delve into topics like why the Church's voice matters, the significance of a bishop's laying on of hands, and the profound grace received in Confirmation.

If you've ever wrestled with understanding or desiring Confirmation, or wondered why it matters if it’s not strictly necessary for salvation, this series is for you. Join us as we unpack what it means to think and live as a truly catholic Christian—united with the historic and entire Church.

Stay tuned for Session 1, where we discuss the foundation of a catholic epistemology.